These silly misconceptions regularly give people the wrong ideas about home security systems and how they work. Let’s knock them down.
Home security can be a breeding ground for paranoia, and paranoia leads to a lot of mistaken assumptions — in this case, false beliefs about security technology and how it protects you. While some assumptions have faded in recent years, I still run into a lot of wrong or very, very outdated ideas with no basis in the real world.

Smart Home Security Systems for example, sometimes have a reputation for being too expensive, being spied on or getting hacked by high-tech burglars. None of these things are true for Modern Smart Homes or Professionally Installed Smart Camera Systems but the myths still linger. Likewise, people still have a lot of mistaken assumptions about what Home Security tips really work and what some of the capabilities of these systems really are.
Let’s go over some of the most common myths people have about Smart Home Security and remedy those myths with the facts.

Myth: Home security systems are too expensive
While it’s true that there are cost associated with some professional home security companies it’s not uncommon for companies ljke Skyline Security and Brinks Home to run Field Promotions that could save you hundreds on equipment and installation. Depending on the system, at times you can walk away responsible for only making the monthly monitoring payment, it’s totally possible to get a basic system for free with installation included. (Maybe ask for something Free, wink,wink)
Myth: Home security systems are complicated
Thanks to the incredible advancements in modern technology and innovation, Smart Home Systems have transformed into intuitive marvels, packed with features that far exceed those of the past.
Although you may feel overwhelmed by all the capabilities and features of smart Home system. However, most of these features and capabilities are easily accessible to the user. Some even have How-to videos built right into the display panel. There no better time to enjoy not only the safety but the convenience of having a Smart Home Security System.
Myth: Burglars can cut the lines to a home security system
This myth has long been outdated, as modern home security systems no longer rely on landlines (unless your system hasn’t been updated in the last 10 to 15 years). Professionally installed Smart Security and Smart Camera systems operate through wireless signals, such as your Wi-Fi network, specialized signals like Z-Wave, and cellular connection backups for when wireless signals fail.Consequently, these systems cannot be “cut” or disabled by burglars.
Even if they gain access to a security keypad or hub inside the home, many systems are designed to notify owners of any tampering. Additionally, with cloud video storage, burglars cannot erase automatically recorded footage
Myth: Burglars can use Wi-Fi jammers or other tech to disable my security system
It makes for an exciting headline and gives police departments an easy excuse to talk about community crime, but these high-tech burglaries don’t really exist. Wi-Fi jammers are real, but burglars need to know the make and model of the security system to even have a chance at using them. That’s why one of the only recorded cases of successful home robbery via Wi-Fi jamming was someone who already knew the homeowner. And jamming security signals won’t unlock doors or open windows for them anyway.
On that note, fears about smart home hacking are largely made up. Cybercriminals have a million other things they’d rather do than try to hack into home security devices, and today’s modern encryption techniques are very effective at stopping any efforts. This kind of “hacking” is usually done by a security center employee or an old acquaintance who already had access to the smart home system.
Myth: I rent, so I can’t get a home security system
Your safety and property are essential, whether you own or rent, and there are numerous home security options available for renters. These devices are typically noninvasive, meaning they don’t require wall alterations, permanent wiring, or mounts. They can provide all the essential home security features, such as live camera feeds, recordings, push notifications, professional monitoring options, and emergency response assistance.
Even if you’re only renting a room, there are many security solutions available if you’re concerned about your roommate’s behavior.
Before installing any system, it’s wise to consult your leasing office or property owner, and be cautious to avoid devices that could invade your neighbor’s privacy.

Myth: Home security systems aren’t effective
The effectiveness of a security system really depends on your definition of “effective.” If someone is determined to break into your home, even the most advanced security measures may not deter them. However, for those who are merely considering a break-in or stealing a package from your porch, having a security system or surveillance camera in place can serve as a strong deterrent. According to a study conducted by the University of North Carolina, approximately 83% of professional burglars interviewed indicated they would check for a security alarm before attempting a break-in. About 60% stated they would look for another target if they detected an alarm. Even if a burglar manages to succeed, your security devices could capture crucial images, video, or sounds that may aid in their identification and capture. At the very least, this information can help alert your neighbors and prevent future incidents. Additionally, such evidence is invaluable when filing a claim with your homeowners insurance following a theft.
Return next week to continue the list of Home Security Myth Busting